Friday, September 30, 2011

Liz shoots an 81 on Day One of State!

Liz Carlson opened up her first round of the state finals in grand fashion in shooting a 3-over par 39 on her opening nine. However, Liz's back nine, which was the front nine on the score card was a little bit more of a roller coaster. Liz began that side with an uncharacteristic double bogey which included two chunked shots. Liz righted the ship though and ended up playing some good golf the rest of the way en route to a final tally of 81. Currently, Liz is sitting in a decent position, but only time will tell as the waiting game ensues. No matter what happens Liz has been an exceptional representative of the Fremont Lady Eagle golf program and Fremont schools. Great job Liz!!

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