Girls' Statistics

2012 Girls' Statistics
(Putts and Average are on a per 9 hole basis)

Thru 21 rounds of golf

Name                               SubPar      Pars      Bogies      Others      GIR      FW      Putts      Average

Alivia Behnfeldt                3.3%      20.9%     39.9%      35.9%     27.4%  38.1%   18.4          48.0

Jessica Mofield                  0.7%       7.8%     28.1%       63.4%      3.7%   41.0%   18.6          54.5

Lexi Skeens                           0%       2.1%     13.9%       84.7%      7.4%   33.9%   22.1          63.1

Courtney Hayes                    0%       3.2%      11.1%       85.7%      4.6%   42.5%   18.7          65.1

Tonya Cessna                       0%       0.7%        7.4%      91.9%          0.9%   17.8%   20.4       68.4

Team Avg. (as of August 18, 2012) - 236.9 (9 hole avg.)

Team Avg.  (as of September 9, 2012) - 231.5 (9 hole avg.)

Team Avg.  (as of September 15, 2012) - 230.7 (9 hole avg.)

2011 Girls' Statistics
(Putts and Average are on a per 9 hole basis)

Thru 27 rounds of golf

Name                                       SubPar    Pars    Bogies    Others     GIR     FW    Putts    Average

Liz Carlson                                   9%       47%     33%       12%      45%    37%   17.0      40.0

Alivia Behnfeldt                            3%       15%     33%        49%     17%    36%   18.4       49.5

Joy Thompson                              0%      11%      27%         63%     4%      45%  19.2       53.9 

Laura Dennis                                1%       3%      20%         77%     1%       37%  20.8       58.5

Jessica Mofield                            0%       0%      19%          81%     0%       34%  18.7      60.3 

Tonya Cessna                             0%       1%        2%           98%     0%       26%  21.4      73.1

Team Average as of August 20, 2011 = 201.1 (9 hole avg.)

Team Average as of September 10, 2011 = 203.1 (9 hole avg.)

Team Average at end of season = 201. 9 (9 hole avg.)


2010 Girls' Statistics
(Putts and Average are on a per 9 holes basis)

Thru 21 rounds of golf

Name                       SubPar    Pars    Bogies    Others     GIR     FW    Putts    Average

Liz Carlson                10%        47%      26%      17%       50%   46%    16.4      41.0

Alivia Behnfeldt          0%          10%      30%      60%       13%   36%    20.1     52.3

Haleigh Seidel           1%          4%      21%       75%        6%    75%    21.6      57.5

Joy Thompson           1%          3%      29%       67%        5%    39%    20.8      57.8

Laura Dennis             0%          6%      19%       75%        7%    27%    21.5      59.5

Jessica Mofield         0%          3%       10%        87%        2%    37%    23.6      63.6

Team Average as of August 15, 2010 = 216.8 (9 hole average)

Team Average as of August 22, 2010 = 211.8 (9 hole average)

Team Average as of August 29, 2010 = 210.0 (9 hole average)

Team Average as of September 12, 2010 = 211.3 (9 hole average)

Team Average at end of year = 209.10 (9 hole average)