Season Results

2013 Boys' Season Results

April 6                            Triton Invitational             370                5th out of 11 teams
                                       LaVille Invitational           419

April 13                          Goshen Invivational         414               12th out of 14 teams
                                        Rochester Invitational     410

April 15                          Northridge                       180-168          0-1 overall
                                                                                203-193          0-1 overall

April 16                         Westview/Hamilton         181-213-247   2-1 overall, 2-0 NECC
                                                                               207-265           2-1 overall, 2-0 NECC

April 23                         Lakeland/Central Noble  198-170-215   3-2 overall, 3-1 NECC
                                                                               198-197-FF     3-2 overall, 3-1 NECC

April 25                        Prairie Heights/Garrett    192-174-185    3-4 overall, 3-2 NECC
                                                                              189-223-265    5-2 overall, 4-2 NECC

April 30                        Fairfield/Eastside             189-168-229    4-5 overall, 4-3 NECC
                                                                               202-181-237   6-3 overall, 5-2 NECC

May 2                           West Noble                      165-217            5-5 overall, 5-3 NECC
                                                                               209-FF             7-3 overall, 6-2 NECC

May 4                           JV Invitational                 380                   5th out of 13 teams            

May 7                          Angola                             178-197          6-5 overall, 6-3 NECC
                                                                                                   8-3 overall, 7-2 NECC

May 9                          Blackhawk                       194-169        6-6 overall, 6-3 NECC
                                                                             209-205        8-4 overall, 7-2 NECC

May 10                        Churubusco/Prairie Heights  171-175-176  8-6 overall, 7-3 NECC
                                                                                   178-FF-196   10-4 overall, 8-2 NECC

May 11                        Angola Invitational          361                  8th out of 12 teams

May 18                        NECC                              331                  3rd out of 11 teams

May 21                        Eastside/Hamilton           111-139-139   10-6 overall

May 23                        Lakewood Park               163-208           11-6 overall

May 25                        Lafayette Jeff Invite        348                  15th out of 21 teams

May 31                        Sectionals                        349                  7th out of 13 teams

2012 Boys' Season Results

April 7                           Triton Invitational              377                 4th out of 12 teams
                                      LaVille Invitational (JV)    452                 9th out of 12 teams

April 10                         The Howe School             203-299         1-0 overall

April 12                         Fairfield/Eastside              183-163-209  1-1 Overall, 1-1 NECC
                                                                                 200-186-256  2-1 Overall, 1-1 NECC

April 14                        Goshen Invitational           381
                                    Rochester Invitational (JV)378

April 16                       Northridge                          181-160  1-2 Overall, 1-1 NECC
                                                                                199-193  2-2 Overall, 1-1 NECC

April 17                      Westview/Hamilton              178-182-237  3-2 Overall, 3-1 NECC
                                                                                 199-226-FF   4-2 Overall, 3-1 NECC

April 21                      Sycamore Hills Invite          380 

April 24                      Lakeland/Central Noble       164-170-185  5-2 overall, 5-1 NECC
                                                                                 186-195-259  6-2 overall, 5-1 NECC

April 26                     Prairie Heights/Garrett          172-200-167  6-3 overall, 6-1 NECC

May 3                        West Noble                            175-186  7-3 overall, 7-1 NECC
                                                                                  186-FF   7-2 overall, 6-1 NECC

May 5                        Fremont JV Invitational         356  2nd overall out of 12 teams

May 8                        Angola                                    198-182  7-4 overall, 7-2 NECC
                                                                                  221-209  7-3 overall, 6-2 NECC

May 10                     Blackhawk                              170-168  7-5 overall, 7-2 NECC
                                                                                  208-189 7-4 overall, 6-2 NECC

May 11                     Busco/PH                                176-184-199  9-5 overall, 8-2 NECC
                                                                                  190-244-FF   9-4 overall, 7-2 NECC

May 12                     Angola Invitational                 358   7th overall out of 12 teams

May 19                     NECC                                      339  5th overall out of 11 teams

May 22                     Hamilton/Eastside                   108-136-127  11-5 overall, 8-2 NECC

May 24                     Lakewood Park                       Forfeit

May 26                     Lafayette Invitational             363

May 29                     DeKalb/Northrop                   163-158-168  13-6 overall, 8-2 NECC

June 1                       Sectional                                 351  7th out of 12 teams

June 7                       Regional                                 Austin shoots 77

2011 Boys' Season Results

April 9                          Triton Invitational               341              2nd out of 11 teams
                                     LaVille Invitational (JV)     402              6th out of 11 teams

April 12                        Howe Military (JV)            218-234            1-0 overall

April 14                        Fairfield/Eastside                175-163-214    1-1 overall, 1-1 NECC
                                                                              207-184-257    2-1 overall, 1-1 NECC

April 16                        Goshen Invitational             356             8th out of 14 teams
                                    Rochester Invitational (JV)  434

April 20                       Westview/Hamilton              161-176-188     3-1overall, 3-1 NECC
                                                                               218-210-FF      3-2 overall, 2-2 NECC

April 21                       Northridge                           174-164            3-2 overall, 3-1 NECC
                                                                               200-203            4-2 overall, 2-2 NECC

April 23                       Sycamore Hills Invitational   374                    8th out of 9 teams  

April 26                       Lakeland/Central Noble       169-180-188    5-2 overall, 5-1 NECC
                                                                               200-257-258    6-2 overall, 4-2 NECC

April 28                       Prairie Heights/Garrett          173-185-173    6-2-1 overall, 6-1 NECC
                                                                               201-FF-206      8-2 overall, 5-2 NECC

April 30                       Canterbury Invitational         359                    6th out of 11 teams

May 5                         West Noble                         180-184             7-2-1 overall, 7-1 NECC
                                                                               218-222            9-2 overall, 6-2 NECC

May 7                         Fremont JV Invitational        393                    8th place out of 14 teams

May 10                      Angola                                  186-171            7-3-1 overall, 7-2 NECC
                                                                               225-215            9-3 overall, 6-3 NECC

May 12                     Blackhawk                             181-171           7-4-1 overall, 7-2 NECC
                                                                               199-202           10-3 overall, 6-3 NECC

May 13                    Busco/Prairie Heights              162-175-168   9-4-1 overall, 8-2 NECC

May 14                    Angola Invitational                  324                  3rd out of 12 teams

May 21                    NECC Tourney                     328                  3rd out of 11 teams

May 24                    Hamilton/Eastside                  108-124-125   11-4-1 overall, 8-2 NECC

May 26                    Lakewood Park                    Rained out, will not be rescheduled

May 31                    Northrop/DeKalb                 173-176-163   12-5-1 overall

June 3                      Sectional                               327  6th out of 16 teams

June 9                      Regional                               Nick shoots 87