Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Eagles play county rival Angola, get the best of them by 19 shots!

The varsity Eagle golf team knew that it would have a challenge ahead of itself in the Angola Hornets.  The team wanted to put its best foot forward, and I think they did a pretty good job of that.  Leading the team was Austin Corcimiglia's fabulous 37.  Collin Sherburne shot a solid round of 44, Seth Wirick shot a 48, Brody Dunn a 49, and finally Jordon Schmucker had 50.  The team won by a score of 178 to 197.  The win puts the team's record at 6-5 overall, 6-3 in the NECC.  Great job guys.

The junior varsity team was also victorious by a score of 218 to 222.  Playing well for the Eagles was Justin Papenbrock whose 47 led the team.  Also, playing for the team was Austin Papenbrock, Jeffrey Herndon, Mitchel Long, and Kyle Boekhout.  The win puts the team's record at 8-3 overall, 7-2 in the NECC.

The team will be back in action on Thursday against the Blackhawk Braves on Lake James.

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