Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Eagles drop two on Senior Night

The Varsity Eagle golf team held its Senior Night on Tuesday at Lake James Golf Club.  Unfortunately, the team was unsuccessful in taking down the DeKalb Barons and Northrop Bruins.  The final score of 181 for Fremont to 161 for DeKalb and 172 for Northrop dropped the team's final record to 11-8.  The night was bittersweet as one of the most successful golfers in Fremont's recent memory, Austin Corcimiglia concluded his four-year varsity golf career by shooting 39. Jordon Schmucker also wrapped up his career as an Eagle by shooting 49.  Colt Penner and Sam Beaber each ended their season's in exhibition action.  Colt shot a solid 43.  Justin Papenbrock shot a 46, Brody Dunn shot 47, and Collin Sherburne concluded the scoring with a 49.  The team will look to re-group and play its best on Friday in the East Noble Sectional at Noble Hawk.

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