Friday, May 31, 2013

Eagles compete in Sectionals, Austin moves on!

The varsity Eagle golf team participated in the East Noble Golf Sectional on Friday at Noble Hawk Golf Links.  The team was looking to break through and shoot a good enough score to finish in the top 3 to move on to Regionals.  Unfortunately, that didn't happen, but the team was fortunate to have one individual advance, Austin Corcimiglia.  Austin's advancement means the Eagles have had either a team or individual in the Regionals for the past eight years.  The team's score of 349 was its third best 18 hole round of the year.  Austin led the team with a hard-fought 77, Jordon Schmucker shot a pair of 44s for 88, Justin Papenbrock ended with 91, Seth Wirick shot 93, finally Collin Sherburne shot 94.  Carroll won the event with a 311, East Noble was second (313) and Leo also made it out with a 316.  The program looks forward to Austin taking a chance at making the State Finals.  Regionals on Thursday will be held in Warsaw, Indiana at Stonehenge Country Club on Thursday.  Good job on the season and good luck Austin!!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Eagles drop two on Senior Night

The Varsity Eagle golf team held its Senior Night on Tuesday at Lake James Golf Club.  Unfortunately, the team was unsuccessful in taking down the DeKalb Barons and Northrop Bruins.  The final score of 181 for Fremont to 161 for DeKalb and 172 for Northrop dropped the team's final record to 11-8.  The night was bittersweet as one of the most successful golfers in Fremont's recent memory, Austin Corcimiglia concluded his four-year varsity golf career by shooting 39. Jordon Schmucker also wrapped up his career as an Eagle by shooting 49.  Colt Penner and Sam Beaber each ended their season's in exhibition action.  Colt shot a solid 43.  Justin Papenbrock shot a 46, Brody Dunn shot 47, and Collin Sherburne concluded the scoring with a 49.  The team will look to re-group and play its best on Friday in the East Noble Sectional at Noble Hawk.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Eagles play in Lafayette Jeff Invite, finish 15th out of 21

Two days after the Eagles played decently and shot 163 against Lakewood Park, the team once again only played ok to shoot a 348.  I start the post this way because it is a testament of just how much the team has improved this year from their early 18 hole rounds at Triton and Goshen.  I also mentioned the 15th place finish because this was a BIG time tournament.  Six of the top 20 golf teams in the state were at the tournament, including Crown Point who shot 299 (we were paired with them). Austin led the team with an 80, but uncharacteristically finished poorly.  Jordon struggled early, but finished strong late to shoot 88.  Collin shot a 39, but also shot a 50.  Justin Papenbrock shot 91, but finished with two double bogeys.  Finally, Seth Wirick shot a 94, but finished with a quad and a trip.  The team has a big week ahead and must figure out quickly how to finish a round off.  The team has come a long way, but the journey ahead could be prolonged (advance in state tourney) if the team figures out how to play a complete round.  The team is back in action on Tuesday against the DeKalb Barons and Northrop Bruins.   Come out for Senior Night.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The varsity boys' golf team hitting their stride

Only one player played their best on a blistery Thursday night at Deer Track Golf Club's Par 35 track.  That player was Jordon Schmucker who shot a solid 37.  The fortunate thing for the Eagles is that they scored a respectable 163 without playing their best, and that is something that Coach Arndt has been looking to see happen all year.  Following up Jordon's 37 was Austin Corcimiglia who shot 40.  Collin Sherburne and Justin Papenbrock each shot 43.  David Albert of Lakewood Park shot a 38.  The team score of 163 to 208 puts the team's record at 11-6.  Good job guys!  The team is back in action on Saturday at the Lafayette Jeff Invite.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Eagle boys have fun, scramble their way to two victories

The varsity Eagle golf team is beginning to hit their stride.  Fresh off of a great Saturday at the NECC, the team paired up with another Eagle to scramble against a tandem from Eastside and Hamilton.  The team's score of 111 was very respectable as the team of Austin Corcimiglia/Sam Beaber shot a 35.  The 35 was made possible by an eagle on hole #14.  Jordon Schmucker/Colt Penner shot 39, finally Collin Sherburne/Justin Papenbrock shot 37.  The Eastside Blazers shot 139 as did the Hamilton Marines, but the Eastside Blazers won with a tie-breaker.  The wins put the team's record at 10-6 overall.  Great job fellas!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Eagles shoot great at NECC, finish fourth!

The varsity boys' golf team was looking to improve on their best 18 hole score at Angola a week ago.  That score of 361 was blown away by a 331.  The team's 157 on the front nine was its best 9 hole score of the year.  The team was able to place all 5 of their players on either the Honorable Mention All-Conference and All-Conference.  Placing on the Honorable Mention team was Justin Papenbrock (88), Seth Wirick (87) and Collin Sherburne (86).  Jordon Schmucker shot an 83 to make All-Conference and Austin Corcimiglia shot 75 to finish in a tie for 2nd.  Lakeland won the event with a solid 308, Fairfield was second and the Eagles were a solid third.

The team is back in action on Tuesday against Eastside and Hamilton.  Good job guys!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Boys' Golf Statistics are now up to date!

Eagles best Busco, Prairie Heights....Play OK at Angola Inivte

The varsity Eagle golf team didn't play incredibly well on Eel River's front nine on Friday night.  However, they did just what it took to get two wins against the Churubusco Eagles and Prairie Heights Panthers.  The score of 171 to Busco's 175 and PH's 176 put the team's record at 8-6 overall, and concludes their NECC season with a record of 7-3.  Austin Corcimiglia and Collin Sherburne each shot 40, Brody Dunn shot 43, and Jordon Schmucker shot 48.  The JV team also had a couple of wins.  The score of 178 to Prairie Heights' 196 to Busco's Forfeit leaves the JV record at 10-4 overall, 8-2 in the NECC.  Winning medalist honors was Mitchel Long who shot 42, Jeffrey Herndon shot 44, Justin Papenbrock and Brandon Arnos each shot 46s. 

Great job fellas!

The varsity Eagle golf team had a quick turnaround on Saturday as they teed it up at the Angola Invitational at 8:30 a.m.  The team was looking to improve from its poor early season 18 hole performances.  The team did just that.  Austin Corcimiglia paced Fremont with an 81, Justin Papenbrock shot 91, Collin Sherburne shot 94, Brody Dunn shot 95, and Jordon Schmucker shot 97.  The total of 361 is not where the team needs to be, but it is a huge improvement from three weeks ago at the Goshen Invitational. 

The golf team now has a week off to prepare for the NECC Tourney.  Good job guys and good luck!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Eagles take step back, let home course get the best of them

The varsity Eagle golf team continued its inconsistency on Thursday night against the Blackhawk Braves.  The team can't seem to hit a stride as they play well one night and struggle mightily the next.  The score of 194 to 169 is indicative of a team that needs to gain consistency and play with a lot more confidence and swagger.  Leading Fremont was Jordon Schmucker whose 46 could've been better had he finished better.  Austin Corcimiglia and Collin Sherburne each shot 49s.  Finally, Seth Wirick had a 50.  The loss put the team's record at 6-6 overall.  The team is back in action on Friday and will look to shake loose of their inconsistencies.

The JV team also lost by a score of 209 to 205.  The team wasn't able to get any players into the 40s as Jeffrey Herndon and Brody Dunn paced the team with 51s, Brandon Arnos shot 53, while Mitchel Long and Austin Papenbrock each shot 54.  The loss put the team's record at 8-4 overall.  The JV's season concludes tomorrow as they take on the Churubusco and Prairie Heights golf teams. 

Good Luck guys!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Eagles play county rival Angola, get the best of them by 19 shots!

The varsity Eagle golf team knew that it would have a challenge ahead of itself in the Angola Hornets.  The team wanted to put its best foot forward, and I think they did a pretty good job of that.  Leading the team was Austin Corcimiglia's fabulous 37.  Collin Sherburne shot a solid round of 44, Seth Wirick shot a 48, Brody Dunn a 49, and finally Jordon Schmucker had 50.  The team won by a score of 178 to 197.  The win puts the team's record at 6-5 overall, 6-3 in the NECC.  Great job guys.

The junior varsity team was also victorious by a score of 218 to 222.  Playing well for the Eagles was Justin Papenbrock whose 47 led the team.  Also, playing for the team was Austin Papenbrock, Jeffrey Herndon, Mitchel Long, and Kyle Boekhout.  The win puts the team's record at 8-3 overall, 7-2 in the NECC.

The team will be back in action on Thursday against the Blackhawk Braves on Lake James.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Eagles play well, finish 5th at JV Invite

The Fremont Eagle JV Invitational took place on a beautiful Saturday morning.  The team played well but didn't quite achieve what they hoped for because Fairfield stunned the field by shooting a 338.  The Eagles' score of 380 was respectable and was achieved because of good rounds from several of the players.  The team was led by Austin Papenbrock's 91, Kyle Boekhout and Mitchel Long each had 95, and Brandon Arnos shot a 99.  In individual play, Drew Sullivan had a solid 97.  The team finished in 5th place.

The Eagles will be back in action on Tuesday as they take on the Angola Hornets at Lake James.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Eagle golfers come alive, EXPLODE in victory over West Noble!!

The Eagle golf team was DUE for a great night, and a great night it was.  Led by the seniors Austin Corcimiglia and Jordon Schmucker, the Eagles took a bunch of strokes off their score to win 165 to 217.  Corch shot 38, including three birdies, Jordon shot 42.  But it didn't stop there on the front nine of Maxwelton.  Brody Dunn added a 42, Collin Sherburne shot 43, and Seth Wirick added a 45 to round out the scoring.  Great job fellas, the win puts the team's record at 5-5 overall, 5-3 in the NECC. 

The JV team shot a 209 to win by forfeit. Scoring for the Eagles was Jeffrey Herndon with a 49, Brandon Arnos shot 51, Austin Papenbrock shot 54, and Drew Sullivan had a 55.  The win puts the team's record at 7-3 overall, 6-2 in the NECC.  Good job guys!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Eagles garner split against Fairfield and Eastside, show signs of improvement

The varsity boys' golf team was able to shed some of the rain gear/winter clothes and play some golf on Tuesday at Lake James Golf Club.  The team was improved from their last time out, but still has a ways to go.  The 189 score the team posted was 21 worse than Fairfield's and 40 better than Eastside's.  Leading Fremont was Austin Corcimiglia with a 45, Justin Papenbrock stepped up and shot 46, Jordon Schmucker had a 48, Seth Wirick had 50 and Brody Dunn rounded out the scoring with a 51.  The split puts the team's record at 4-5 overall, 4-3 in the NECC. 

The JV team also split as they shot a respectable 202.  Fairfield's 181 and Eastside's 237 gave the team a 6-3 record and puts them at 5-2 in the NECC.  Leading the Eagles was Collin Sherburne whose 47 was a big improvement from his last few outings.  Bradon Arnos had a 50, Jeffrey Herndon a 51 and Austin Papenbrock rounded out the scoring with a 54. 

The Eagles will be back in action on Thursday at Maxwelton against West Noble.