Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Fremont Eagle Golf team takes home a split on Senior Night

The varsity Eagle golf team split with two big schools on Tuesday night on the front nine at Lake James. The team shot a 166 to lose to DeKalb by two shots, however, the team defeated Northrop by six. The team was led by Nick Herndon who shot a school-record on the front nine at Lake James with a 32. Seth Robertson shot 43, Austin Corcimiglia shot 45, Tyler Jenkins shot 46, Brandin Ross shot 51, and Phil Keating rounded out the scoring with a 54. The night was in honor of the two seniors who gave a lot to the program this year. Unfortunately, the team only had Phil for one year, but he will still be missed. The golf program sadly saw the end of a career by one of its best ever in Seth Robertson. Seth was a great golfer for four years and it is sad to see him go, but he is on to bigger and better things like Huntington University. The split put the Eagles record at 13-6, while that may seem mediocre, the team was a sizzling 8-2 in the month of May. The team will be back in action on Friday at the state tournament at Noble Hawk sectional. Good job Eagles and good luck.

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