Sunday, June 6, 2010

2010 Sectional Golf Results

The Varsity Eagle golf team competed well at the 2010 East Noble Golf Sectional. However, the team fell short of its goal of making it to next week's Homestead Golf Regional. The team finished fifth with a 329, losing to Leo on a fifth man tie-break. Homestead won the event with an even-par 284, Carroll also made it to next week's regional with a 304, and DeKalb got out with a 317. The team does have something to celebrate, however, with Nick Herndon's 78, which was good enough to qualify for next week's Homestead Regional. Seth Robertson just missed going to regional's with a 79, which ended a brilliant career by senior golfer. Austin Corcimiglia shot 85, Tyler Jenkins shot 87, and finally, Brandin Ross shot 102 to complete the team's scoring.

Good job Eagles, and work hard this summer.

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