Sunday, April 14, 2013

Weather, Wind, New Course gets the best of Varsity boys, JV plays well!

The Varsity boys' golf team played one of the worst rounds in the program's storied history on Saturday at Black Squirrel Golf Club.  Yes, the weather was treacherous, but clearly many teams were able to overcome the elements to shoot decent scores.  However, BIG numbers and poor course management plagued the majority of the Eagles.  A big highlight of the match was Justin Papenbrock's eighth hole.  Holing a shot from 120 yards gave the junior a nice birdie.  That hole propelled Justin to a team-best 100.  Austin Corcimiglia was plagued the entire back nine with the dreaded "shank" shot and fired a 103.  Colt Penner came back from a front-nine 55 to shoot 105.  Collin Sherburne started off horribly and shot 106.  Finally, Jordon Schmucker had a 108.  The team's score of 414 placed the Eagles at 12th out of 14 teams. The guys will learn from this experience and bounce back, but it will take a concerted effort on all of their parts to "step up" their level of effort and game management or the season will be a long one!  The team is back in action on Monday at home against Northridge.  Good luck guys!

The JV team played a good round at Round Barn Golf Club on Saturday.  The team's attitudes were spot on all day as they persevered to shoot a 410 in really tough conditions.  Leading Fremont was Brody Dunn whose 99 was solid, Seth Wirick shot 101, AP shot 103, Brandon Arnos shot 106, and Kyle Boekhout shot a 110.  The team shot 410. 

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