Thursday, May 10, 2012

Eagles play much better, Blackhawk edges Fremont

The varsity and junior varsity golf teams knew that Tuesday's showing against Angola was certainly not their best effort.  It showed on Thursday night at Cherry Hill Golf Club.  The team, fresh off of a mental session with Coach Wertz, played much more confidently and it showed as three players played great golf.  Unfortunately, as has been the problem this season, the team was one score short of beating a solid Blackhawk team.  The final tally of 170 to 168 was a step in the right direction and shows the team that it has what it takes to be a very good golf team.  The team was led by Austin Corcimiglia's 38, Tyler Jenkins played well with a 42, Collin Sherburne battled back to shoot a 43, finally Jordon Schmucker rounded out the varsity scoring with a 47.  The loss put the team's record at 7-5. 

The junior varsity had two players play well, while two did not play as well.  The team was led by Austin Papenbrock's 46, Seth Wirick shot a 49, Jeffrey Herndon shot a 56, and finally Kyle Boekhout shot 57.  The team lost 208 to 189.  The loss put the team's record at 7-4. 

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