Saturday, September 15, 2012

Lady Eagles conclude season, struggle at Sectionals

The Lady Eagle golf team hoped to have one of its best rounds of the season at the Angola Sectional.  Unfortunately, except for Lexi, the team struggled to one of its worst rounds of the season.  The tournament marked the conclusion of the careers of Jessica "J-Moeski" Mofield and Lexi Skeens.  Jessica's 113 was not what she had hoped for, but it certainly wasn't due to a lack of effort.  Lexi played very well and concluded her senior season with a solid 110.  Great job Lexi.  Tonya battled all day long, and especially battled after her back was tweaked on hole seven.  Tonya's 63 on the back nine was one of her best rounds of the season.  Alivia had high hopes entering the Sectional.  She knew if she played well she would have a chance to move on to Regional.  Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be as she shot 102 and struggled for the second consecutive week.  This brings the girl's season to an end.  Thanks for all the fun times this season, as well as the work you put into it. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Lady Eagles have fun on Senior Night, Lose 88 to 84

The Lady Eagle golfers had a great time on Senior Night against Coldwater.  The only thing that was a little off was the score.  Coldwater took down the team by four shots on the back of a 40 and 44, while the Eagle teams had 44s.  The loss put the team's record at 4-6 overall on the season.  The coach and program would like to thank the seniors, and in particular, Jessica Mofield for their effort these past four years. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Lady Eagles wrap up NECC season, beat Prairie Heights 222-250

The Lady Eagle golf team's season is winding down.  The team took on the Prairie Heights Panthers in a NECC matchup on Tuesday on the front nine of Lake James.  Playing well for the Eagles was Alivia Behnfeldt.  Her 45 was a nice turnaround from the 101 she shot at the NECC.  Jessica Mofield shot a 51, which could have been much, much better.  Finally, Lexi Skeens shot 62 and Tonya Cessna shot 64 to round out the Eagles scoring.   The win puts the team's record at 4-5 overall, 2-2 in the NECC.  Great job ladies. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Girls' Golf Statistics are up to date!!

Lady Eagles struggle at NECC, finish 4th

The Lady Eagle golf team seem to be on a roller coaster of sorts.  The team will play well, then have a bad meet, then play well again.  Saturday was a tough day for the team as it finished in 4th place out of 5 teams in shooting a 447.  Fairfield shot a solid 389 to win the meet.  A golfer that has been real steady lately is Jessica Mofield.  Her 100 is indicative of a player that has come a long way and was able to achieve all-conference as a senior.  Alivia's 101 was a disappointment as she is one of the best players our conference has.  She also was able to make all-conference.  Rounding out the scoring for Fremont was Lexi Skeens with a 117, finally Tonya Cessna shot 129.  The ladies will look to rebound this week and beat the Prairie Heights Panthers and Coldwater Cardinals. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Eagles improve, still lose to Wawasee 204-212

The Lady Eagle golf team played well at Wawasee, unfortunately, it just wasn't quite good enough against the Lady Warriors.  The final tally of 212 to 204 is indicative of an improving golf team.  Alivia led the team with a 47, Jessica was next with a solif 48.  Tonya came in with a personal-best 58, while Lexi rounded out the scoring with a 59. The loss put the team's record at 3-5.  The ladies are back in action on Saturday at the NECC Tournament.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Eagles struggle, lose to Leo

The Lady Eagle golf team was fresh off a long weekend and it showed as the team looked a little rusty and not sharp.  Following the match against Edon, the team looked to be on a roll.  However, as is often the case with golf, there are good days and bad days in golf and this proved to be a bad one.  The team's top two battled to a 46 (Alivia) and 53 (Jessica), respectively.  Lexi battled for a 61, Courtney's 65 was a frustrating one because of how well she is capable of playing.  Finally, Tonya's 70 rounded out the team's scoring.  Leo's 214 bested the Eagles by 11 strokes.  The loss put the team's record at 3-4. The ladies will be back in action on Thursday at Wawassee.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Eagles take down the Bombers!!

The Lady Eagle golf team played extremely well on Thursday in taking down the Edon ladies by a score of 217 to 244.  Playing their best golf of the year were Alivia (42), Jessica (48), and Courtney (57).  Tonya shot a 70 to round out the scoring.  Unfortunately, Lexi Skeens was feeling a bit under the weather and was at home.  The win over the Bombers put the team's record at 3-3.  Good job ladies and good luck on Tuesday.

Monday, August 27, 2012

DeKalb beats Eagles

The Lady Eagle golf team traveled to Bridgewater West Golf Club to take on the DeKalb Barons on Monday.  The team, fresh off of a solid 207 last Tuesday, took a couple steps back and shot 237.  The Eagles were led by Alivia Behnfeldt who shot 46, Jessica Mofield shot 56, Lexi Skeens had a 66, Tonya Cessna fired a 69, finally Courtney Hayes had a 70.  The medalist for the Barons was Hope Kellham who shot 43.  The loss put the team's record at 2-3. On the bright side, the Lady Barons cooked out for the girls and coaching staff.  Thanks for your kindness. The ladies will be back in action on Thursday against Edon at Lake James.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Lady Eagles team up with county rivals!!!!

The Lady Eagle Golf Team (and Abby Hayes) teamed up with their arch-rivals, Angola and Prairie Heights to raise money for the Steuben County Humane Society on Saturday morning. The goal was to raise money for a great cause, while also bonding as a group. Combined, Fremont, Angola, and Prairie Heights girls' golf teams raised over 700 dollars along with an enormous amount of supplies for the privately-owned Steuben County animal shelter. It felt great to give back to the community in this way. Thank you ladies for giving of your time and effort.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Lady Eagles come back from Angola match, win big!

The Lady Eagle golf team picked a great time to play its best round of the season in an NECC match against West Noble.  The match, played on South Shore's front nine, was an excellent example of the team's perseverance.  Only a night removed from a tough Angola loss, the team bounced back with a solid 207 to West Noble's 223.  The previous best round by the team was a 226.  Putting and consistency played a major role in the turnaround by the ladies.  Leading Fremont with medalist honors was Alivia Behnfeldt who shot 44, Jessica Mofield followed up with a 51, Courtney Hayes shot a solid 55, and Lexi Skeens concluded the scoring with a 56.  The win evened up its record at 2-2 overall, 1-2 in the NECC.  Good job ladies.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Lady Eagles suffer setback against Angola, lose 247-221

The Lady Eagle golf team had played better recently.  However, the match against Angola on Monday proved to be a difficult one for the girls.  For starters, it was the first match on the back nine (more difficult side), it was two days removed from an unfortunate accident to its number three player, and it was a pressure-packed conference match.  Leading the Eagles was Alivia Behnfeldt who shot well for seven holes, unfortunately a match consists of nine holes.  Alivia shot 49, only to be outdone a little bit by Hannah Van's 49.  Jessica Mofield shot a 57, which could have been better if not for the last two holes.  The rest of the team had a rough night.  The loss put the team's record at 1-2 overall, 0-2 in the NECC.  The ladies are back in action on Tuesday at West Noble.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Girls' Statistics are up to date!!

Lady Eagles compete at New Haven Invite, show signs of improvement

The Lady Eagle golf team is showing signs of improvement.  It isn't showing up in the scores yet, but the team is hitting the ball better overall and starting to put the pieces together. The key will to become more consistent overall and to not become frustrated.  As far as the New Haven Invite went, the team had a very rough start, but fought back to save some shots.  Playing the longest yardage of the year (5700), Alivia shot a 98, Jessica shot 113, Courtney followed with 123, Lexi shot 131, and finally Tonya had 146.  The team's total of 465 is its best of the year, and as Coach Arndt said, it's not the best you'll see of the Fremont Lady Eagles.  The team is back in action on Monday against Angola, Tuesday they are at West Noble.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Fremont Lady Eagles pick up first win!

The Lady Eagle golf team showed signs of improvement on its earlier play by shooting a 226 on the front nine of Lake James.  Coach Arndt has been working on getting the girls to improve their mental approach to the game of golf.  The team has responded well by playing their best golf on Tuesday.  The team defeated Snider by 60 shots and showed that it's capable of winning some matches this year.  Leading Fremont was Alivia Behnfeldt who shot 45.  Jessica Mofield turned her round around to shoot 55.  Both Lexi Skeens and Tonya Cessna shot 63.  Finally, Courtney Hayes shot a 66.  The win put the team's record at 1-1 overall.  Good job ladies!!!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Eagles play in Elkhart Memorial Tournament

The Lady Eagle golf team looked to rebound from its last outing at the Fremont Fall Classic.  However, only one player actually played a lot better in the rain-shortened tournament and that was Alivia Behnfeldt.  Alivia, fresh off a lesson, shot a solid 47, which included a chip-in for birdie on the par 5 7th hole.  Jessica Mofield and Courtney Hayes each shot 63s, Tonya Cessna shot a 69, and Lexi Skeens rounded out the scoring with a 71.  The team will be back in action on Tuesday against the Snider Panthers.  Good luck ladies!!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Eagles host Fall Classic, finish 12th with 474

The Lady Eagle golf team hosted its annual Fall Classic Thursday at Lake James Golf Club under ominous skies.  Luckily, the tournament was able to be played, however, the Eagles didn't play up to their capabilities.  The team finished in 12th out of 14 teams with a 474.  Playing well for Fremont were Jessica Mofield who shot 108, Courtney Hayes also played well with a 119 (personal best).  Unfortunately, the rest of the team didn't play up to their potential.  Alivia shot 108, Lexi shot 139, and Tonya shot 145.  The team will look to improve next week as they play numerous matches.  Good luck ladies!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Fairfield takes down Fremont, 193-228

The Fremont Lady Eagle golf team started its dual matches out with a difficult test in the Fairfield Falcons.  The match was played at Timber Ridge Golf Club's front nine.  The Eagles knew they would have a difficult test, but they also knew that the most important thing was to improve from their past outing.  Leading Fremont was Alivia Behnfeldt who shot a solid 41, Jessica Mofield followed with a 53.  Lexi Skeens shot 65, Tonya Cessna had a 69, and Courtney Hayes rounded out the scoring with a 72.  The medalist of the match was Mary Shipley who shot 39.  The loss dropped the team's record to 0-1 overall and 0-1 in the NECC.  The team will be back in action on Thursday at the Eagles' Fall Classic.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Eagles open season at Leo, shoot 485

The lady Eagle golf team kicked off their 2012 campaign with an expected start.  The team, which is largely inexperienced, shot a 485 en route to a last place finish at the Leo Lions Invitational.  The tournament was won by two-time state champion Hamilton Southeastern.  Leading Fremont was Alivia Behnfeldt with a 98.  Jessica Mofield followed up with a 121, Lexi Skeens shot 125 in her first varsity match, and Courtney Hayes  had a 141, also in her first varsity match.  The team will now look to work on their games to bounce back from this tough start.  The team will be back in action on Tuesday at Fairfield.  Good luck ladies.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Congratulations to the 2012 Plaque Award Winners!

MVP - Austin Corcimiglia
MIP - Collin Sherburne
Max Mitchell - Jordon Schmucker
Ken Wertz Mental Toughness - Tyler Jenkins

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Austin plays well at Regional, shoots 77

Austin Corcimiglia represented Fremont very well in the Homestead Regional on Thursday morning.  His final tally of 77 was indicative of a great round of golf that was not quite good enough to go to State, but was good nonetheless.  A 75 would have made it, but Austin's 77 was full of good short putting and solid game management.  Austin would be the first to tell you that he had birdie chances that just missed and if some of those would have gone in it would have propelled him to a State Finals appearance.  However, Fremont couldn't be prouder of a player and he always has next year.  Great job Austin!!!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Eagles seventh at Sectionals, AC moves on!

The Fremont Eagle golf team braved the elements on Friday at Noble Hawk Golf Links.  With temperatures in the 50s and a steady mist/light rain throughout, the team faced arguably the worst conditions it had all year.  Regardless of that, the team started strong but just didn't continue their pace.  The team looked headed for an excellent front nine, but the last three holes got the best of them and they weren't in the hunt from that point on.  The team's total of 351 was twelve shots higher than their NECC score, but wasn't arguably played much worse considering the conditions.  The team did have a huge bright spot as Austin "Cheech" Corcimiglia shot a great 74 (-3 on the last three holes) to lead the team, Tyler shot an 86, Jordon shot 95, and Colt and Collin struggled on the back nine to lead to a pair of 96s.  The team finished 7th out of 12 teams.  The season comes to an end for most of the guys, but for the fifth straight year Fremont is represented in the Regional Golf Tournament at Orchard Ridge Country Club.  Good job Eagles and good luck Austin!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Eagles split versus DeKalb, Northrop

The Eagle golf team went in to the match at Bridgewater West golf course with one intention in mind, prep for Sectional by putting together a good round.  The team did just that as they shot the best round of the year with a 163.  The team received solid contributions from all of their players.  AC shot a scrambling 37, TJ had a solid 39, Jordon shot 43, Colt shot 44, JP shot 45, and finally Collin Sherburne had a 46.  The team did lose to DeKalb who shot a solid 158, while Northrop shot a 168.  The team concluded their season with a 12-6 record.  Good job Eagles!!  The team is back in action on Friday in the Sectional at Noble Hawk.

Boys' golf competes at Lafayette Jeff, plays ok

The varsity Eagle golf team took an overnight trip to Lafayette (God's Country) this past Friday to compete in the Lafayette Jeff golf invitational on Saturday.  The team had a lot of fun on Friday night as there were pool fights, putting wars, and Tiger Woods competitions.  On Saturday the team got down to business and competed in the invite and had on player play extremely well.  Unfortunately, the rest of the team played only ok.  Austin Corcimiglia had a solid four-over par 76, which was good enough for a top ten finish.  Jordon Schmucker shot 91, but could have shot better if he would have managed his game better.  Colt Penner, Collin Sherburne, and Justin Papenbrock rounded the scoring out with 97, 99, and 100 respectively.  The team's score of 363 was not where they wanted to be, but the team knows it will do much better at the Sectional.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Eagles have fun, win two against Eastside and Hamilton

The Fremont Eagle golf team hosted its annual two-man scramble on Tuesday at the beautiful Bella Vista Golf Course.  The team had two goals coming into this match.  One was to have a good time and that was had by all, the other was to get a couple of wins in an unusual format.  They were successful in both regards.  The team put up a solid 108 score, while Eastside shot 127, and Hamilton had a 136.  The even par round was a combination of the Jenkins/Schmucker team's 35, Corcimiglia/Sherburne had 36, and Penner/Papenbrock had 37 to round out the scoring.  The wins put the team's record at 11-5 overall, 8-2 in the NECC.  Good job guys!!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Boys' Stats are up to date!!

Eagles improving, finish 5th at NECC

The Fremont Eagle golf team has come a long, long way this season in finally breaking through with a 339 team score.  The team has been working on their games, both physically and mentally and it shows as the team has taken 40 shots off their scores from six weeks ago.  Unfortunately, the top teams in the conference have proven themselves all year and today was no exception.  Winning the tournament with a 304 was Fairfield, Lakeland took second with a 319, Angola shot a respectable 322, and Churubusco chimed in with a 333.  The fifth place finish is indicative of an improving team, but by no means is the best this team has.  Pacing Fremont was Austin Corcimiglia, who shot the best round a Fremont Eagle has ever shot in the NECC with a 71.  Jordon Schmucker shot a solid 86, Tyler Jenkins had 87, but knows he can do much better, finally Collin Sherburne rounded out the scoring with a 95.  The team has a lot to be proud of for their showing, but also knows that they must take at least 20 shots off their score for Sectionals. 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Eagles improving, play ok at Glendarin

The Varsity Eagle golf team took to Glendarin Hills tough track just four days after its struggling to a 198 on Tuesday.  The team actually started on the back nine this tournament and improved drastically to shoot a 181.  The front nine was a little kinder to the team as they shot a 177 to have a team total of 358 to finish in the middle of the pack.  Leading Fremont was Austin Corcimiglia with a 84, Collin Sherburne shot 89, Tyler Jenkins had 92, Jordon Schmucker shot 93, and finally Colt Penner had 104.  The team will look to have a fine week of practice and will compete in the NECC Tournament next Saturday.  Good luck Eagles.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Eagles get back on winning track

The Fremont Eagle golf team got back on track with two wins against conference foes Churubusco and Prairie Heights.  The team didn't play particularly well, but the Lake James front nine proved to be too difficult for the team's opponents.  The wins put the team's record at 9-5 overall and it allowed the team to finish the NECC season at 8-2.  Leading Fremont was Austin Corcimiglia with a 38, Tyler Jenkins shot 43, Jordon Schmucker had a 46, finally Collin Sherburne and Colt Penner each shot 47.  Good job Eagles.  The team is back in action on Saturday at the Angola Invitational.

The JV Eagles concluded their season with two wins.  The team got solid contributions from several of its players including Seth Wirick (48) and Austin Papenbrock (48), Justin Papenbrock had a 50, Jeffrey Herndon shot 51, finally Drew Sullivan shot 56.  Concluding their seasons were Kyle Boekhout (47), Sam Beaber (47), Tony LaRose (58), Keith Bookwalter (61).  The team ended the season with a 9-4 overall record, 7-2 in the NECC.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Eagles play much better, Blackhawk edges Fremont

The varsity and junior varsity golf teams knew that Tuesday's showing against Angola was certainly not their best effort.  It showed on Thursday night at Cherry Hill Golf Club.  The team, fresh off of a mental session with Coach Wertz, played much more confidently and it showed as three players played great golf.  Unfortunately, as has been the problem this season, the team was one score short of beating a solid Blackhawk team.  The final tally of 170 to 168 was a step in the right direction and shows the team that it has what it takes to be a very good golf team.  The team was led by Austin Corcimiglia's 38, Tyler Jenkins played well with a 42, Collin Sherburne battled back to shoot a 43, finally Jordon Schmucker rounded out the varsity scoring with a 47.  The loss put the team's record at 7-5. 

The junior varsity had two players play well, while two did not play as well.  The team was led by Austin Papenbrock's 46, Seth Wirick shot a 49, Jeffrey Herndon shot a 56, and finally Kyle Boekhout shot 57.  The team lost 208 to 189.  The loss put the team's record at 7-4. 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Fremont loses badly to Angola

The Fremont Eagle golf team was excited to take on the Angola Hornets and play at Glendarin Hills.  Unfortunately, the team got off to such a poor start that they never had a chance to beat their opponents.  The team combined for 39 over par on the first three holes on the back nine of Glendarin Hills.  The team didn't play well on the other holes, but played even with their opponents.  Leading Fremont was Austin Corcimiglia with a 42, Tyler Jenkins shot 46, Jordon Schmucker had 53, Collin Sherburne shot 57, finally Colt Penner had a 61.  The final team score of 182 to 198 put the team's record at 7-4 overall, 7-2 in the NECC.  The team will now look to rebound after this dismal performance and regroup to finish the week strong.

The junior varsity golf team also had a tough time tonight on the tough Glendarin track.  The team was fresh off of a 39 stroke shellacking of Angola on Saturday at the JV invite, but tonight the other team got the best of them by 12 strokes.  Leading the team was Justin Papenbrock and Brody Dunn with 54s, Jeffrey Herndon shot 56, Austin Papenbrock shot 57, finally Sam Beaber shot 63.  The loss put the team's record at 7-3 overall, 6-2 in the NECC. 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Boys' Statistics are up to date!!

JV continues strong play, take second at JV Invite

The junior varsity golf team at Fremont continued its strong play on Saturday in finishing a solid second place at its home invitational.  The finish is the JV's best since a second place finish in the 2007 season.  The team's score of 356 is a solid score and really is a testament to the depth that the golf program currently has.  Fairfield, a team the JV lost to by 14 early on in the season, won the tournament with a solid 354.  Leading Fremont was Justin Papenbrock who was seventh overall with an 85, Austin Papenbrock broke into the 80s with an 89.  Brody Dunn battled his swing all day to shoot 90, finally Seth Wirick shot a 92.  Great job Eagles.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Varsity Eagles not at best, still win, JV plays great!

The Varsity Eagle golf team took their best shot at the front nine of Lake James on Thursday night, but unfortunately mental mistakes and poor chipping and putting by some of the players proved to be costly.  The team's score of 175 is simply not good enough on a front nine that is scoreable.  The team has to get consistent play from their top five in order to play with the area's elite.  Leading Fremont was Tyler Jenkins who put together a medalist round of 41, Austin Corcimiglia struggled to a 42, Colt Penner came through with another solid 45 on the front nine.  Once again, the Eagle's four and five guys came in with 47 and 49 respectively.  The final score of 175 to 186 is certainly one the team will take, but the guys understand that to be a legit golf team they must take off two to three shots each.  The win puts the team's record at 7-3 overall, 7-1 in the NECC.

The JV Eagles played an exceptional round of golf en route to their eighth win on the season.    The team had solid contributions from its entire team and shot an impressive 186.  West Noble only had three players, thus they had to forfeit.  The team was led by the medalist Brody Dunn's 43.  Jeffrey Herndon shot a 47, Justin Papenbrock shot 48 as did Seth Wirick.  Finally, Austin Papenbrock shot a 51.  Also, playing well for the JV in an exhibition match were Keith Bookwalter (48), Tony LaRose (51), and Drew Sullivan (52).  The win put the team's record at 6-2 overall, 5-1 NECC. 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Eagles split, lose to Garrett but beat Heights

The varsity Eagle golf team hosted the Prairie Heights Panthers in an NECC matchup on Thursday night at Lake James Golf Club.  They also played host to the Garrett Railroaders in a non-conference matchup.  The guys from Fremont had three of their players show up, but unfortunately you have to have four players playing their best to win golf matches.  The trio of Austin Corcimiglia (38), Tyler Jenkins (41), and Colt Penner (45) did what they had to do.  However, Collin Sherburne and Jordon Schmucker both had up and down rounds that culminated in scores of 48 and 49.  That inconsistency simply won't cut it as the final score of 172 to 167 was a frustrating end to a nice week.  The team did win the NECC matchup, which was the most important one.  The split put the team's record at 6-3 overall, 6-1 in the NECC.  The team now has a week before they will play West Noble at home next Thursday.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Eagle golfers play hot, brave the wind

The Varsity Eagle golf team went in to their contest with Lakeland High School and Central Noble shooting no better than a 178.  Well that low score no longer holds.  The fellas from Fremont came through in a big way to win an NECC showdown against the Lakers and Cougars.  The final tally of 164 to 170 to 185 was made possible by a consistent line-up of golfers that played extremely well in the wind.  Austin Corcimiglia led the team with a solid 36, as he had a birdie and bogey and a bunch of pars.  Tyler Jenkins had a solid 42, as did Jordon Schmucker.  Concluding the scoring was Collin Sherburn who shot 44.  The wins put the team's record at 5-2 overall, 5-1 in the NECC.

The JV team also put together a great score to grab two wins on Tuesday at Cobblestone.  The Eagles' score of 186 to Lakeland's 195 to CN's 273 was a testament to just how much depth the golf team has.  Leading the team was Justin Papenbrock with a 42, Seth Wirick played well 45, Brody Dunn had a 49, Austin Papenbrock had a 50, finally Jeffrey Herndon shot a 54 to round out the scoring.  The wins put the team's record at 6-2 overall, 5-1 in the NECC. 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Boys' Statistics are up to date!

Eagles play on one of Area's best courses, continue to struggle

The varsity Eagle golf team was invited back to the prestigous Sycamore Hills Invitational for a second year and had an opportunity to play one of the nation's top 100 golf courses. Unfortunately, the team was not at its best as they struggled to a team score of 380. The team was everywhere on the course that is as tight as any course they will see all year. The fortunate thing is that the course is the hardest course they will see all year and it will bode well for them as they head further into the season. Leading the Eagles was Austin Corcimiglia who shot 86, Colt Penner shot a good round of 94, Jordon Schmucker saw ALL of the course and shot 97, while Collin Sherburne and Brody Dunn concluded the scoring with 103 and 104 respectively.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Eagles get big win against Westview, Hamilton

The varsity Eagle golf team used some home cooking, as well as perseverance in handling tough conditions with the aeration and top-dressing of the greens to pull out a nice couple of wins over Westview and Hamilton. The team's score of 178 bested the visiting Warriors' 182 and Marines' 237. Leading Fremont to victory was Austin Corcimiglia's 40, Jordon Schmucker came through with a solid 43, Tyler Jenkins shot a 47, and Collin Sherburne concluded the scoring with a 48. The wins put the team's record at 3-2 overall and 3-1 in the NECC.

The junior varsity team continued its strong play against Westview and Hamilton on Tuesday night as they defeated the Warriors by a score of 199-226 and a forfeiture by the Marines. The team was led by Justin Papenbrock's 44, Brody Dunn shot 50, Tony LaRose played well with a 52, Seth Wirick shot a 53, and finally Austin Papenbrock concluded the scoring with a 54. The wins put the team's record at 4-2 overall, 3-1 in the NECC.

Great job Eagles!!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Eagles drop two at Northridge

The varsity Eagle golf team took on one of the state's best at Northridge's Meadow Valley golf course on Monday. The team braved the elements (30 mile per hour wind and cold temps.) and had some players play pretty well, but also some that didn't have good rounds. The final tally of 160-181 was indicative of the depth that Northridge really has and shows why they are one of the state's best teams. Leading Fremont was Austin Corcimiglia who shot a 42, Collin Sherburne and Colt Penner each had 45's, Jordon Schmucker conculded the team's scoring with a 49, while Tyler Jenkins had a 50. The loss puts the team's record at 1-2. The team is back in action tomorrow when they take on Westview and Hamilton at Lake James in NECC action. Good luck fellas.

The junior varsity team played a solid round against Northridge and barely fell by a score of 193-199. The team was led by Brody Dunn's solid 46, Justin Papenbrock shot a 49, Jeffrey Herndon shot a 51, and finally Austin Papenbrock and Seth Wirick each shot 53. The loss puts the team's record at 2-2.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Varsity struggles at Goshen, JV plays well at Round Barn

The varsity Eagle golf team knew that it would be a formidable challenge at Goshen's Maplecrest Country Club as three of the players were seeing their first action on the varsity level. To say that it was an eye opener would be an understatement for the three as they each had good moments and moments of struggle. However, the top two players did a good job of rebounding from the previous week and put together respectable scores. Austin Corcimiglia shot a good 77, but knows the round could have been much better as he missed numerous close putts, Jordon Schmucker played a scrambling round and finished with 93. The three newcomers, Seth Wirick, Brody Dunn, and finally Jeffrey Herndon each shot 104, 107, and 109 respectively. The team will look to rebound from its score of 381 on Monday as they play at Meadow Valley against Northridge.

The junior varsity team had a very good day at the Round Barn Golf Club in Rochester. The team was consistent and finished in third in a very nice field. Leading the team was Collin Sherburne with an 88, Colt Penner played better with a 93, Sam Beaber and Justin Papenbrock each shot 98, finally Austin Papenbrock had a 99. Unfortunately, Sam failed to putt out on the last green and suffered a DQ. The team's 378 is very respectable and is something that all of them should be very proud of.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Eagles split at Fairfield

The Varsity Eagle golf team took a split on Thursday evening on the Timber Ridge Golf Club. The team shot a 183 on the front nine, which was good enough to beat Eastside who shot 209, but not good enough to get past Fairfield who shot 163. It was a nice night to score and some of the team took advantage, but unfortunately many of those players were on the junior varsity roster. The team was led by Austin Corcimiglia's 38, which was one off of the pace set by medalist Zach Hochstetler from Fairfield. Tyler Jenkins and Jordon Schmucker each had 47s. Justin Papenbrock shot 51 and finally Collin Sherburne rounded out the team's scoring with a 55. The split put the team's record at 1-1 overall and in the NECC. The varsity team will be back in action on Saturday at the Goshen Invitational.

The JV team also split with the Fairfield Falcons and Eastside Blazers. The team shot a solid 200 on the night and received solid contributions from many different players. Fairfield shot a solid 183, while Eastside shot 256. Leading the team was Seth Wirick who shot 46, Brody Dunn shot a 47, Austin Papenbrock shot 49, and finally Colt Penner rounded out the scoring with a 58. The split put the team's record at 2-1 overall, 1-1 in the NECC. The JV will be back in action on Saturday when they travel to the Round Barn Golf Club in Rochester.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Eagle JV downs Howe

The junior varsity golf team braved the elements on Tuesday evening and played some pretty good golf in the process. The team played the tough front nine of Lake James and came away with a final tally of 203 to Howe's 299. The team was led by Collin Sherburne's 48, Jeffrey Herndon shot a solid 51, Justin Papenbrock and Colt Penner each had 52, and finally Brody Dunn rounded out the scoring with a 53. The win put the team's record at 1-0. Great job Eagles.

The team will be back in action on Thursday at Timber Ridge Golf Club as they take on the Fairfield Falcons and Eastside Blazers.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

2012 Eagle Golf opens play at Triton, JV at LaVille

The 2o12 Fremont Eagle golf team opened up play after a solid preseason slate of practices. The team knew that it had a chance to be competitive against the Triton field, but it was up to them to determine how competitive. Unfortunately, the team didn't play up to the potential that it had with an exception of a couple players. A player that stood out at Triton was Collin Sherburne, whose offseason work was apparent as he opened with a solid 43 and ended with 93. Justin Papenbrock also played to his potential with a 101. The three juniors all had days that they would rather forget. Austin Corcimiglia shot 88, Jordon Schmucker shot 95, and finally Colt Penner had a 104. The team's total of 377 was good enough for a fourth place finish as New Prairie was victorious with a team total of 347. The Eagles will now look to improve upon the rough start and push towards a score that is 40-50 shots better than they shot on Saturday. The team has the potential to shoot that much better which makes saying that worthwhile. The varsity will be back in action on Thursday at Fairfield. Good luck guys.

The junior varsity golf team participated in the LaVille Invite at Indiana National Golf Club. The team received solid contributions from several players including: Jeffrey Herndon (106), Austin Papenbrock (110), and Sam Beaber (116). The team will be back in action on Tuesday versus the Howe School at Lake James. Good luck Eagles.