Thursday, June 9, 2011

Nick shoots 87 at Regionals

Nick got off to a solid start on the first hole at the Regionals on Thursday at Orchard Ridge Country Club on a rain-plagued round of golf. With an easy par on hole 1 it seemed Nick was ready to roll, however, an errant tee shot on hole 2 was a sign of things to come. Nick went on to double bogey the hole and struggled through the rest of his round en route to an 87. The result today was in no way an indication Nick's golf season or career at Fremont. Even in his struggles, Nick maintained a good attitude and was not in any way a poor sport. Nick will move on to bigger and better things in life, but for the time being he will be considered one of Fremont's best golfers of the recent past and more importantly a great individual.

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